Почитувани студенти,
Центарот за кариера при Меѓународен Славјански Универзитет ве информира дека во моментов е отворен оглас за работа во Teleperformance. Доколку во моментов барате работа која вклучува јазични вештини и ги исполнувате наведените услови ве охрабруваме да аплицирате.
Во прилог е огласот, како и потребните информации околу аплицирањето:
Looking for a career that lets you work from home and communicate with clients around the world? Look no further! Our team is seeking for talented Russian-English interpreters to join us in delivering top-quality interpretation services to our clients.
- Consecutive interpreting from English into In Language (RUS, ENG) and vice versa in medical, banking, insurance, emergency, and customer service industry,
- Taking notes to ensure accurate interpretation rendering,
- On-line live audio and video interpreting via PC application,
- Applying necessary security, customer, and clients protocols in work, abiding to interpreting guidelines and procedures,
- Constant improvement of general and industry-related vocabulary to ensure accuracy and up-to-date skill and knowledge,
- Provide impartial assistance by bridging communications gap to both, client, and their customers, applying best practice customer service,
- All other interpreting duties following closely the client’s lead.
- Native or near-native proficiency in both Russian and English.
- A strong passion for language and culture, with a keen eye for detail and accuracy.
- Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written, with the ability to build strong relationships with clients and colleagues.
- Comfortable working remotely and using technology for communication and project management.
Доколку сте заинтересирани, Ве молиме контактирајте го Панче Стојанов на следниот телефонски број: +389 78 445 540.